Manhattan Engagement Ring Shopping Secrets
Categories: Manhattan Wedding Jewelry
It’s no secret that the holiday season is the most romantic time of the year. More New Yorkers get engaged during the two-week period surrounding Christmas and New Year’s than at any other time of the year. But not everything about getting a unique engagement ring is common knowledge. Don’t worry – we’re happy to share these Manhattan engagement ring shopping secrets!
Engagement Ring Shopping Secret #1: The Journey Begins Online
There is no experience on the planet that matches seeing a diamond sparkle right in front of your eyes. When it comes to considering and choosing stones, it’s something you do in person. But engagement ring shopping involves so much more than selecting diamonds and gemstones – you need to research engagement ring styles to find the one that’s right to celebrate your lasting love. Nearly 75% of brides-to-be do this on Pinterest; a third are using Instagram.
Engagement Ring Shopping Secret #2: You Don’t Have to Go It Alone
It is increasingly common for couples to shop for engagement rings together. An engagement ring is a significant purchase; it’s important for both partners to be happy with it. Our new Manhattan showroom, located at 608 5th Avenue, features large showcases full of diamond wedding jewelry. Browsing is an enjoyable, no-pressure occasion; if you see a style you like, or want to learn more about having a custom version made for you, our friendly team is here to help.
Engagement Ring Shopping Secret #3: But You Can Be Alone When You Want To Be
Choosing your engagement ring is a special moment. You don’t necessarily want other people – fellow shoppers, random passers by – privy to your choices. Keep your romance to yourself by choosing your engagement ring in our comfortable, private conference room. It’s a discreet place to ask questions, consider different diamonds, talk through ring design options, discuss prices, and more – all with no worry of being overheard by anyone.
Engagement Ring Shopping Secret #4: There Are No Limits on Love
At Wasserman Jewel Galleries, we’re committed to helping every couple find the engagement ring of their dreams. If it isn’t already in our showcases, we can create your engagement ring for you. Custom engagement ring designs incorporate your personal style with the highest craftsmanship and the finest gold, diamonds and gemstones. A one-of-a-kind ring can be created in as little as 2 weeks. The holiday season is approaching quickly: if you know you’ll need a custom engagement ring, schedule your consultation today.